Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"The Plan" has changed....

We're gettin' an RV!  

After much thought and deliberation - we decided to rent an RV.  And you know what?  It's only a few feet longer than my truck - LOL!  I'm thinking I should drive :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

The plan

Well we are planning our first trip to the 12 Hours of Sebring this year, and we plan on camping for three nights in Green Park.

I haven't tent camped in 15+ years - ugh!!  However, come to find out, they make Truck Tents. Yes, that's right, tents that convert the bed of your pickup truck into a warm and cozy living space.   I figure if I drink enough, it really shouldn't matter, right?  LOL!!  Here is a pic of the tent we have decided on:

I drive an F150 SuperCrew, so I'm thinking this will be fine - we will have 6 and half feet of leg room, and we will be up off the ground as well.  

So along with this, an air mattress, some food, a grill, clothes, and 8 coolers filled with beer - I think we are all set.

Feel free to weigh in.

Great Fan Site

I have spent hours reading over these forums...highly recommended reading! 

These people ROCK!

Got our tickets!!!!!

Woo hoo!!

We got our tickets babe!!!

Yes, this would be the "female side" commenting :)

The Basics - LMPC2

Not to further confuse the casual race fan, however there is an additional LMP class, the LMPC2

  • Intended especially for Privateers or not directly supported by automobile manufacturer (Highcroft, Muscle Milk &  Dyson )
  • Lighter and less powerful than the LMP1's
  • Open or closed cockpit
  • The headlights are white
  • The numbers on the cars are 25-49
  • The Category sticker is blue.

The Basics - LMPC1

In case the description of the car classes was too involved, here is a short list of the things we'll be able to tell the difference of while watching the cars go by.

The Basics - Different Car Classes

It might important to know the different Classes of Cars that we'll be watching this year (there is a race after all!). Here is the link that describes the different types.